River fishing starts to heat up during June! During this time, we are usually able to intercept some Sockeye Salmon on the way to the Russian River. King salmon continue to arrive throughout the month of June, presently the month will start out with a slot limit requiring that fish over 34 inches be released. Catch and release policy will be affected throughout the month depending on the strength of the return.
On June 11, the Upper Kenai River opens up for Rainbow and Dolly Varden fishing. Our Upper River Drifts provide excellent opportunity to catch and release these fish, as well as a good chance at capturing your three fish Russian River Sockeye Salmon limit.
Saltwater fishing in June is solid. The month is usually dominated by high pressure and favorable weather conditions. The bigger fish are starting to move in, chasing the various anadromous fish returns into the local rivers. Rockfish and saltwater Salmon fishing for Kings are often available while targeting the flatfish on a Multi species trip out of either Seward or Homer.
By June 10th our Fly In fishing trip to Big River Lakes is available for guests wishing to view coastal Brown Bears, often with cubs, at a close distance while trying to harvest a three fish Sockeye Salmon limit. The first half of June is by far the best time for the Ultimate Expedition giant Pike fishery. The trip includes a great opportunity for catch and release Lake Trout, Arctic Char and Grayling fishing. On the return flight home, aerial bear viewing in Tuxedni Bay is amazing. We can always include a quick stop by the Dick Proenekke cabin this time of year when we are over in Lake Clark National Park.