Even we’ve been impressed by the volume of Willow Ptarmigan that have populated our favorite hunting grounds here in Kenai mountains and across the Alaska Range. In fact, we may be seeing all-time high numbers of Willows. For those who are up to hike and put in a little hard work, we’ll put you on White Tail and Rock Ptarmigan like you’ve never seen before. Within the last few years, we’ve managed to guide clients to the elusive hat trick of getting all three species in one day. Of course, it’s more common to get all three over the course of several trips.
You’re welcome to bring your own shotgun for our guided Ptarmigan hunt. Or, if you prefer, we’re happy to provide you with everything you’ll need. The same goes for hunting dogs. At All Alaska Outdoors Lodge, we’re happy to meet your K9 hunting partner, or we’ll introduce you to Maverick or one of our other well-trained hunting dogs.
If this Ptarmigan hunting trip sounds like a dream come true, we do strongly recommend that your legs be in good shape. The Ptarmigan populations are spectacular, but they’re found in some rough terrain. Fortunately, we do expect these numbers to stick around for the next few years, at least. Check out the clips below for a preview of what you can expect, and give us a call with any questions you might have.
Guided Wing Shooting In Alaska
Ptarmigan hunting in Alaska begins in August. By the end of the month, we typically see the best hunting. That makes this hunt a great option for our guests in Autumn thanks to large bird populations in some of the world’s most gorgeous country. When hunting in the Kenai Mountains, the bag limit is a generous ten birds per day. That limit goes up to twenty birds per day across the Alaska Range. We can take you, by floatplane, to a permitted area on the Chugach National Forest just west of the Alaska Range in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.
Expect to find large numbers of Willow Ptarmigan after your pilot, Bob Ledda, lands his De Havilland Beaver floatplane. Rock Ptarmigan and White-tailed Ptarmigan are a little less reliable and they do tend to inhabit more difficult terrain. Typically, a Ptarmigan hunt means going for a bit of a hike, so we strongly recommend that you be in good physical condition with a quality pair of comfortable hunting boots that support your ankles well.
Our Hunts require air travel in float planes to access these coverts. As such, smaller groups will be combined with other hunters. A plane can take up to 4-5 hunters each day. If you have 4 or 5 in your group, you will have an exclusive trip. Otherwise, guests will be combined with other hunters to fill the plane. Smaller groups can achieve “Autonomy” for the trip by purchasing 4 seat minimum.

Hunt Duck & Grouse On The Kenai River in Alaska
Another exciting option for some outstanding Alaska wing shooting is a Spruce Grouse hunt. While this season runs the same as the Ptarmigan season, we find the hunting best during September and early October. That works well since duck season kicks off September 1st in Alaska. On this guided wing hunting trip, we head into the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge to find these unique birds. While on the Kenai River, during duck season, you’re sure to have good luck with Puddle Ducks. Give us a call to learn more.

What Else Should You Know About Duck & Ptarmigan Hunting in Alaska?
Non-resident, small-game licenses are currently $60. Do not buy a regular hunting license as that will cost you $85. An Alaska duck stamp is $10, or a hunter may use his federal stamp in all states. Late September is an excellent time for combination wing shooting / fly fishing packages with beautiful fall Peninsula views and no crowds. Ask us about special customized Alaska fishing and hunting packages to create the outdoorsman’s dream vacation!