September is the month when Rainbow fishing is at its best. The fish know a long winter is ahead and they are hungry and gorging on salmon eggs and salmon flesh. The Kenai River is known for massive Rainbow Trout. They will be the heaviest this time of year. There are 2 options for Rainbow fishing, both of which are great producers. The Upper River Drift targets the section of water between Kenai lake and Skilak lake. The water tends to be clear. This is a Fly Fishing experience done from drift boats with stops along the way to get out and wade. It is not uncommon to have multiple fish over 25 inches during this timeframe. We also target Rainbow fishing below Skilak lake in the 5 miles of river above the Killey river intersection. This is fairly clear water as well. Fishing is done on the Full Day experience from power boats with All Alaska Outdoors guide Jim McCormick. This is his favorite guiding venue. This can be a flyfishing or spin fishing trip depending on your area of interest.
September and the Bay of Pigs. This system contains the largest strain of Silver Salmon that we have access to. The Ultimate Expedition will take you on a spectacular flight seeing route with views of the Harding Ice Field when ceilings permit. Black Bears are often seen fishing locally next to us anglers. Silvers in excess of 20 pounds have been caught on fly rods over the years. In a good year, 14 to 17 pound fish are common. Fly fishing and Spin fishing are both effective.
September means Ptarmigan hunting. Due to the limited availability of this trip, seats always fill up fast. Current Willow Ptarmigan numbers have been at all-time highs recently. A dedicated Ptarmigan Hunter can expect to collect all 3 species in late September, assuming they are willing to put in the time, are in good physical condition and book at least 2-3 trips (and the weather cooperates).
If Wing shooting is your thing, we can also put you on some acceptable puddle Duck shooting on the Kenai River. Opening day is September 1 and the birds are around throughout the month.
Our Crescent West Fly In fishing trip is also a great experience during this timeframe. Silver salmon fishing can be temperamental on this river but 3 fish limit catches are possible. Flyfishing and light tackle fishing for Dolly Varden is always steady. The Brown Bear viewing at this location is probably the best bear viewing experience that we offer.